If all goes as currently planned, two years from today Darryl and I will be married. It is our -2nd anniversary, or pre-anniversary. More importantly, after today the wedding will be slightly less than two years away, which counts for something in my mind. We celebrated by going to Wahoo's fish tacos and Barnes&Noble where I indulged in two hours of wedding magazine browsing (since the new summer issues were released this week) while Darryl increased his ice cream making knowledge with the official Ben & Jerry's guide to ice cream.
Regardless of what happens over the next 1.9ish years, I refuse the allow the engagement to go beyond that date; one way or another, we will be married by June 18th, 2011! *sigh* So close, yet so very far away. It's hard to believe that by this time next year I will have graduated college, Darryl will be looking (or hopefully will have found) a job in teaching, and we'll be making final decisions on not only the wedding plans, but where to live, handling student loans (eek!), etc. And even then, there will be another year to go before the wedding day! I'm positive that it will all be worth it in the end and that one way or another we will have an unforgettable wedding, but obviously the best things in life often require the most patience.