Over the past month or so, I've been contemplating some of the major specifics of the wedding. Granted, it is still nearly two years away, but some things are worth deciding on now. One of those things is the guest list. In an attempt to keep our budget managable, we've pretty much settled our guest list of about 100 people. We wish that we could invite more, but hopefully everyone will understand that it is only a result of our status as presently poor college students. The room that best accomodates that number of people for the reception at the Mission Inn is the Spanish Art Gallery. I fell in love with it the first time I walked in. It's a bit narrow, and hopefully the tables won't have to be too close together, but otherwise it's perfect. I can't wait until the next expo in August to check it out more seriously this time. Other decisions pertaining to the reception are still in process, including our choice of food, drinks, cake, etc. I think that with this one big decision made, everything else will start to fall into place.

We have also come up with a new idea for our honeymoon. At the time of the wedding, (God-willing) Darryl will be on his first summer break as a teacher, and he is definitely not planning on teaching summer school that year if possible. I have also begun researching the possibility of becoming a teacher, but since math is my all-time worst subject, and everything else either isn't hiring or is lame, I am considering special ed. My current job has exposed me to a lot of different mental/developmental issues in kids, and I think it's pretty interesting. So if I opt to do that, I will also have my summers free, which means that we can go pretty much anywhere we want for extended periods of time in the summer months. If the timing is right for everything, we would like to spend about a month going up the west coast, ending up in Seattle, WA where we could rent a vacation apartment for about the same cost as a normal month's rent here. The mere thought of it fills me with excitement to the point of giddiness. I have a deep desire to live someplace else, someplace different than here, and this way we could experience lots of different places, not just as a tourist in a hotel, but living as much like a local as possible. Again, a lot could happen between now and then, but right now this is what makes my insides flutter.