Today marks week 2 of Darryl living back home in Riverside, almost an hour away from me in Tustin. It's been an interesting week including Darryl getting the chicken pox, my office having a swine flu scare, and me trying to determine how to best manage our new long distance lifestyle on the weekdays that I am away from my betrothed. So far the longest we have been apart since the move is three days, so the time aspect isn't that big of a deal as of now; it's more just the fact that he doesn't live ten minutes away anymore so I can't just come right over anymore, and I can no longer rely on Darryl to come to my rescue for such occurances as locking my keys in my car, fainting at school, killing scary insects, etc. It's still an odd feeling that when I get home from work, unless I'm going to class, I'm staying home and not going out with Darryl for dinner and Starbucks. What's harder to fathom is that this could be the way it is for almost the next two years.
In an attempt to make the best of our new weekday lifestyle, I have begun exploring my many interests, not including as much wedding stuff. Darryl and I joke that I'm working on my MRS. during this period of time, which includes all kinds of things as we think of them, but the one thing that I'm most interested in is cooking. I began pouring over cookbooks, culinary magazines and websites, and even got an app on my (new!) iPhone for Whole Foods recipies. I'm determined to cook as organically and healthily as possible since I don't see much point in cooking whole meals unless I know that what I'm making is better health-wise than getting take-out. So far I have gone grocery shopping once, which was a much more frustrating experience than I had anticipated due to a lack of planning on my part, and have made one meal completely from scratch: whole wheat couscous with tomato and red pepper sauce and tofu. Despite how bad it might sound, it was actually quite good. Tomorrow, if I have time, I'm planning on making ratatouille and eating the leftovers for the rest of the week. My visions of making a different meal every night don't seem very feasible right now, especially when cooking only for myself in a very tiny kitchen that is not entirely my own. When every recipe requires buying all new spices and other stuff most people might have already stocked-up on, and always somehow buying more produce than I can use before it goes bad, it also isn't very cost effective. Hopefully by the time Darryl and I are on our own in our own place I will have learned how to manage a weekly menu and food budget more efficiently. For the sake of the wedding budget I'll have to start improving on the budget part asap.
Now it's time for bed and in the morning it's my day off which means breakfast out with Darryl after he gets out of work! :)
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