I cannot truly understand why the timing of it all has to be like this; why our plans have this potentially giant chasm in them thanks to the state education budget crisis, and perhaps other factors that remain a mystery. I remember being so happy that Darryl decided to go into teaching because of how relatively secure that field is (or was). Who knew that the same year he began to work towards his credential, so many teachers would be laid off that entire schools shut down not far from where I live. To be completely honest, we're pretty worried. It's hard not be become completely consumed by the whole situation; the situation being, 40+ teaching applications sent, 7 interviews, and 0 job offers. A lot of it really doesn't add up, considering that almost all of the interviews seemed to go very well, but then again it's hard to say exactly how many people are out there applying to the same positions. For one of the jobs for which he interviewed, the applicant number was around 200. And with each interview comes a new set of hopes and nervous anticipation, which ultimately lead to greater disappointment. It's all rather draining.
The only reason that I even bring this up on my otherwise upbeat wedding blog, is that part of the reason I created this publication of mine was to document the reality of our 2.5 year engagement, mainly for myself to look back on one day. As of now, this is our reality. Each week brings a new set of "what ifs" and "plan B, C, and D's." Personally, I have released whatever plans I had for us and have allowed myself to be open to other prospects as far as where we might live, what I might do as far as working or going to grad school, when we may have kids, etc.... I could get excited about pretty much anything at this point. I have released it all into God's hands, and now we wait and see. And if there's one thing we've had to get used to, it's waiting. We must have faith that it will work out for the best, as it always has before, and in the mean time I keep reminding myself to "keep calm and carry on."
Hey did you buy those posters in those frames?