Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Update

I know, I know, it's been a very long time since my last blog. It's a good thing I don't have one of those bridal blogs with sponsors and such or else they would have all left by now. Honestly, I really have been busy. This is probably the hardest and most time consuming semester of my degree. After this quarter it should be smooth-sailing, so hopefully more blogs will follow.

Also, my whole office went to San Francisco for a weekend, which was a very nice break from the normal day-to-day, but proved to not tame my travel lust but to make it greater. So the good news is that Darryl and I will be taking our first real vacation together in November to Chicago to visit Justin and Meesa for three blisteringly cold days. I was hesitant to drop that much cash on plane tickets when we are supposed to be saving for our wedding (606 days from today), but truth be told, if all I do is focus on the wedding this early in the game, I will surely lose my mind. Thus, the trip is a much needed distraction, not to mention one of those rare opportunities to travel to a new place, and to buy cute outerwear.

Darryl's student teaching is well underway now. Despite the exhaustion of actually teaching classes all day in addition to still having night classes, he loves teaching and is very happy with his career move. We went to our very first high school dance (seriously, ever) last weekend as chaperones and discovered that we didn't miss much as teenagers. Maybe winter formal will be better. Homecoming consisted of sitting at a table with the other student teachers, watching a door which security opened up later anyway, for four hours. We learned two things: DJs are still using the same music that was popular when we were in high school, and teenagers dancing is like watching a big group of little animals in heat. I feel so old.

Personally, I've decided that if I can't handle teaching one day, I'll become a pastry chef. Some back-up plan, right? I've recently discovered that I'm actually pretty good at cake decorating, even the more complicated stuff. Making things pretty with icing is like a zen experience, as long as you don't get too stressed-out by it. Pastry school would be fun and exciting, but is very expensive. Maybe if we win the lottery or retire rich I could have my very own little cupcake and wedding patisserie. Rest assured, though, I'm not crazy enough to try and make my own wedding cake; we'll leave that to the professionals. In the mean time, you can all expect some very impressive birthday cakes in the future.


  1. the weather has been really nice. we had one week where it was in the low 30's but since then it has been in the high 40's to mid 50's! hopefully the weather stays nice until you guys get here. but i cannot wait to go ice skating!

    also, i think you would make an excellent pastry chef!

  2. Thanks Bones, I'm glad you think so lol

  3. A pastry chef would be fun..especially since you enjoy it!
